Why is YouTube Marketing Important for SaaS

When it comes to your business’s digital marketing, choosing the right platform to showcase your brand is crucial. When considering platforms where you can grow your business, increase your visibility, raise your brand awareness, and boost your store’s traffic, you should definitely think of having a YouTube channel. While major popular social platforms such as Instagram and Facebook might serve your goals well, having a YouTube channel will be an additional help and a good one.

In this ever-changing environment where it is difficult to keep up with trends and progress, digging into every possible platform might help you better observe your consumers’ behavior and understand their needs. No need to go too far: people love videos. Seeing your product/service in action, they are more likely to trust you and your quality. 

YouTube has 2.1 billion monthly active users, making it the second largest media platform. When you realize that videos are part of people’s routines while eating, before sleeping, and during the lunch break, you also understand the need to leverage YouTube as part of your marketing strategy.

What is YouTube Marketing?

YouTube marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to expand their reach and establish better communication between them and their targets through video content. I am sure that you have noticed many times that business lead their users to their channel from their website, for a more visual experience. By using a QR code maker, businesses can create QR codes that lead customers directly to their YouTube channel. Scanning the QR code makes it easier for them to access their content and subscribe to their channel.

YouTube is an excellent means to promote a brand, product, and/or service through high-quality videos that resonate with their audience’s interests and attract views, engagement, and high conversion rates. 

YouTube marketing can take different forms of videos – informative, how-to, product demos, and even about your workplace’s everyday life (if you have one). Take a look at this YouTube channel, and particularly, how they speak to their audience. Besides making informative videos on SaaS products and digital marketing, they also create engaging Shorts on business life, adding humor to their work. 

Indeed, high-quality videos are the number one key to success in your YouTube marketing strategy, but there is something else you cannot do without. Of course, optimizing your content. For this, you need a solid understanding of the YouTube platform and your audience and target (demographics and interests) to make the best use of your videos to get to your desired results in terms of better engagements and traffic boosts.

How do you do YouTube Marketing for SaaS?

YouTube Marketing for SaaS Business

SaaS is one of the rapidly growing areas, and if you ever happened to be or are in the SaaS industry, you know how important it is to stand out in the wildly growing crowd. From consumers’ perspective, it is good as they have more options in the market. On the other hand, it might be challenging for businesses to survive in the highly competitive environment. 

If you are a SaaS business, YouTube marketing should be in your digital marketing strategy plans. Interestingly enough, Grammarly, one of the most popular SaaS businesses, additionally uses the YouTube platform and ads to make sales. 

YouTube marketing itself is competitive: it is not about publishing videos and waiting for the results to come themselves. Now that we know why SaaS solutions need YouTube marketing let’s understand how we can do it properly.

YouTube Channel

Creating a channel on YouTube

As simple as it might sound, the first step of YouTube marketing is creating a YouTube channel. Make sure you set your profile and banner pictures, write an optimized channel description to present your YouTube content to its best, and also customize your channel’s URL. Creating a YouTube channel is just the beginning of YouTube marketing; however, it’s important to emphasize authentic engagement over buying YouTube views, ensuring genuine audience interaction and growth.

Choose Your Audience

How to choose your YouTube Audience

Everything starts with detecting your audience since your content should speak and resonate with them. So, you need to define your target audience by reflecting on:

  1. Their gender,
  2. Their age range, and
  3. Their location.

To better target, you might also need to look at their interests:

  1. What channels are they following? and most importantly,
  2. What do they want from YouTube?

Competitors Research Analysis

Do not only learn from your mistakes but from your competitors. YouTube marketing is competitive, so you cannot move on without observing your competitors’ behaviors and strategies. 

A couple of things that are important to look at:

  1. What is common between (successful) competitors: what tools/strategies they all use,
  2. What is their video posting interval,
  3. How active they are,
  4. What is their most dominant video format, and
  5. Everything you think makes them successful.

Content Creation

After doing your prior research, you can now concentrate on creating high-quality YouTube videos. Consistency is important: set a number and work according to that. 

Tip: Recent statistics showed that 3-4 videos per week work better for YouTube channels. Use high-quality equipment for producing your videos. This way, you will give the first impression of your brand with the content you provide. Incorporate tools like YouTube Video Maker to enhance the quality of the video and make it more creative and engaging for your audience. And if you continue this way, you will build a strong brand story.

YouTube SEO

Considering that the number of videos on YouTube is growing wildly, you need to reduce the chances of your video getting lost in the “crowd” of videos. To avoid this, you should optimize your YouTube videos and leverage the best SEO practices.

A couple of things that you should pay attention to are:

  1. Titles and descriptions: You should include your target and main keywords in the title and descriptions. Try to limit your words for the title to 100 characters, at the same time, best describing what your content is about. As for descriptions, you might write the key points of what your video is discussing. You might also need to translate your descriptions to reach a global audience. 
  2. Thumbnails: Thumbnails are important to catch your audience’s attention. When you just start, try different kinds of thumbnails and understand which one works better for you and your brand. Usually, thumbnails with the speaker’s image showing emotions work better. In any case, remember to keep your brand consistent: if you choose one type of thumbnail, then stick to it. This will create your brand style, and people will recognize your videos out of the rest.
Thumbnail examples with people reaction
YouTube Thumbnail Examples

Engage with Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is the key to high engagement and reach on every platform. Besides posting high-quality videos on YouTube, you should also actively answer your audience’s comments. Whether they are kind words, questions, or even criticizing comments, you need to make them believe that each of their voices is heard and appreciated by you.

How is YouTube Useful for Marketing?

Wider Audience

As mentioned above, with its 2.1 billion active users, YouTube is the second largest platform after Facebook. If done right, YouTube Marketing can get you more exposure to your target audience, resulting in increased visibility, engagement, and traffic. While available in more than 100 countries, YouTube also allows you to reach an international arena and spread your brand globally.

Better Visibility in SERP

If you have chosen YouTube as one of the platforms to showcase your brand, then I have some good news. Almost 95% of videos appearing in search results come from YouTube. And provided that you have high-quality and optimized videos with the right keywords and metrics, you have a pretty good chance of appearing in SERP with your other platforms.

Building Trust

Let’s imagine you have found the perfect SaaS for your website. While trying to understand whether it fits you the best, you first test it. While testing, some challenges emerge. To address your questions, you search YouTube video guides on that specific SaaS. After searching, the official page of that SaaS occurs with high-quality, informative how-to videos on their products. Won’t you trust them better? What is more, you go on and see some famous influencers reflecting on their products. You immediately gain trust for them and their brand, don’t you? This is why it is important to have a YouTube channel and do proper YouTube marketing for you to show your products and services in action and build the trust of your audience and potential consumers.

Lead Generation

Alongside its main levers, YouTube is also a handy tool for generating leads that can later help in SMS and mail marketing. For this, you can use YouTube’s form ads.

A Source of Extra Profit

While YouTube Marketing can significantly affect your marketing strategies, it can also be an extra steam for generating money. The latter can also be used for improving and upgrading your marketing tools and strategies.

Final Thoughts

SaaS is one of the wildly growing markets, and if you are part of it, you realize how important it is to stand out. While standing out might be a real struggle for you and your teams, giving up is not a choice. In the article, we have covered what YouTube marketing is, why you need it or what it can give you, and how you can leverage its benefits to your best. If done properly, YouTube marketing might hopefully help you create your brand story, raise your awareness, and increase your SaaS sales and business profitability

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